Lazslo was a human of the male variety, functioning as the lead mechanic for the Resistance forces.
Serving as the primary mechanic on the MC85 Star Cruiser known as the Raddus, Lazslo played a role in automating the cruiser during the evacuation of D'Qar. He expressed disapproval towards Rose Tico for her focus on studying the ship's blueprints instead of actively participating in the crew's work, suggesting that hands-on experience was the best way to learn about the ship. Later, he and other flight technicians were summoned to the control room, where General Leia Organa informed them of a malfunction caused by the automation refit, which had locked the hangar doors and prevented their pilots from assisting Commander Poe Dameron in a dogfight against First Order TIE fighters. Lazslo stated his intention to inspect the main access panel, only to find that the issue was more complex than anticipated when all doors on the ship sealed shut, isolating the mechanics from the control room and himself from the ship's systems. However, Tico located the Mon Calamari failsafe automatic reboot code within the schematics, successfully unlocking the ship and enabling the pilots to come to Dameron's aid. Lazslo joined in the celebration of their success, applauding Tico's resourcefulness alongside the rest of the crew.
Lazslo was a rough human male character who valued practical labor over theoretical knowledge, believing that direct involvement was the best method for understanding a new vessel. This difference in opinion led to friction with Rose Tico during the D'Qar evacuation, where he emphasized his position as the head mechanic. Poe Dameron humorously remarked that he could complain incessantly, and that the only things worse than problems were Kowakian monkey-lizards infested with Hutt fleas, and Lazslo's morning breath. Despite his gruff exterior, he was capable of celebrating victories, as evidenced by his cheers for Tico after her intervention saved Dameron from the TIE fighters.