The Lightsaber-baton represented a smaller-scale adaptation of the lightsaber, finding its use in the era of the Republic Dark Age. A set of six lightsaber-batons were wielded by Saaj Calician, the Krevaaki Sith Lord who served as the regent of the Dyarchy. In the year 1032 BBY, he put these weapons into action during a lightsaber duel against Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight who had managed to infiltrate the Loft, the mountaintop stronghold of the Sith twins Quillan and Dromika located on Byllura. Despite possessing a superior arsenal compared to the Jedi, his combat effectiveness was compromised by the potent mind control exerted by Dromika, leading to the Krevaaki's defeat and significant injuries during the Battle of Byllura. Following Kerra's abduction of Quillan, Dromika made an attempt to chase after the Jedi, making use of a lightsaber-baton in her pursuit.