Line Ten-A was the name given to a specific location. This location was on the damaged wing of a Venator-class Star Destroyer that was located inside the Shipbreaking Yard of the Scrapper Guild on the planet of Bracca. Due to some clamps malfunctioning on Line Ten-A, the foreman droid who was a part of the Scrapper Guild instructed the scrappers Cal Kestis and Prauf to make sure the cables were secure. Obeying the instructions, the workers secured the cables, which allowed a ship cutter to remove the wing. Nevertheless, the cables broke, and the wing started to tilt downwards, which resulted in both Prauf and Kestis falling in the direction of the Ibdis Maw that was below them. Prauf was close to death as he nearly fell, but Kestis employed the Force to decelerate his fall, and as a result he was able to land safely on a hover barge that was passing by.