Lioaoin skirmish

The Lioaoin skirmish represents an offensive maneuver executed by the Chiss Ascendancy aimed at the central planet belonging to the Lioaoin Regime. This offensive was a direct consequence of a Lioaoin attack directed at the Chiss warship named Vigilant stationed at Primea, an assault masterminded by General Yiv of the Nikardun Destiny.

Upon their arrival at the heartworld, the Vigilant, accompanied by Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo's ship, Springhawk, encountered twelve Lioaoin warships. Four of these ships immediately engaged the Chiss vessels. The Vigilant then launched two decoy shuttles, strategically positioning one behind the other, targeting the Lioaoin – a tactic previously employed by Thrawn against the Nikardun. The Lioaoin forces identified this tactic and successfully blocked the Vigilant's attempts to remotely control the shuttle. However, Thrawn had anticipated this, and he initiated an attack on the shuttle, deploying hidden breacher missiles. The acid released from these missiles inflicted damage to the hulls of the Lioaoin ships. Subsequently, the Vigilant destroyed the second shuttle, releasing another wave of breaching missiles into the Lioaoin fleet. Despite the damage, the Lioaoin forces persisted, with two more ships replacing the four that had retreated. Ultimately, the Chiss emerged victorious, although their own ships sustained damage in the process.

Behind the scenes

The Lioaoin skirmish is a plot point in the 2020 novel titled Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, authored by Timothy Zahn.

