LJ-40 concussion carbine

The LJ-40 concussion carbine, a blaster carbine for close-quarters combat, was manufactured by Arakyd Industries and saw action during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Initially, it was conceived as a modified version of the LJ-50 concussion rifle. Arakyd initiated its production upon recognizing its remarkable ability to breach fortifications and disperse opposing troops.


The standard LJ-40 blaster carbines featured a barrel of reduced length and a collapsible skeleton stock. While being lightweight, simple to operate, and exceptionally destructive, they suffered from limited range and poor accuracy at longer distances. The weapon could incapacitate or concuss targets, requiring a reload after every three shots. Each carbine had a price tag of 2,500 credits and was exclusively available for military personnel.


The LJ-40 concussion carbines began as a modification to Arakyd Industries' LJ-50 concussion rifle. This occurred after a squad within the 92nd Coruscant Engineers inadvertently received a delivery of LJ-50s. Recognizing the rifles' potential for breaching defenses and disrupting enemy formations, the squad's armorer shortened the blaster rifles into carbines as a practical field adjustment. The resulting carbines proved exceptionally effective in these roles, impressing the squad's commanding officer.

Upon learning about this successful modification, Arakyd Industries promptly commenced production of the LJ-40, offering it alongside the well-regarded LJ-50. Due to its light weight, ease of handling, and destructive power, the weapon gained popularity among engineers and vehicle crews. The weapon's limited range did not detract from its utility for these users, as military engineers typically engaged in combat at close ranges. Both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire utilized the LJ-40 through their engineers.

Behind the scenes

The LJ-40 concussion carbine was initially referenced within Fully Operational, a 2018 supplement for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Age of Rebellion role-playing game.


Notes and references
