Lorana Jinzler's lightsaber

Lorana's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of the Jedi Knight Lorana Jinzler. It was green-bladed, with a metal hilt and an amethyst attached to its activation switch. Lorana used the lightsaber during her time as the Padawan of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth and later when she embarked for unknown galaxies in 27 BBY aboard Outbound Flight, a massive starship made up of several Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers. She wielded it throughout the Outbound Flight Project up until she died saving the lives of the surviving passengers of Outbound Flight.

The weapon was re-discovered over fifty years later aboard Dreadnaught-One near her remains by the Jedi Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker during an expedition with the Chiss to investigate the wreckage of Outbound Flight. Skywalker took the lightsaber and eventually showed it to Lorana's younger brother Dean Jinzler. Jinzler, who had joined the mission by posing as a diplomat for the New Republic, identified it as Lorana's and Skywalker offered the weapon to him. Though Jinzler accepted the offering, he postponed taking it, believing the Jedi might need it during their attempt to prevent the escape of a group of Vagaari warriors aboard Dreadnaught-Four who sought to steal droids to attack the Chiss Ascendancy. During the ensuing battle, Jade Skywalker used Lorana's lightsaber to defeat a droideka, and the weapon was destroyed in the resulting explosion. Although no part of Lorana's lightsaber survived to present to Jinzler, because his journey to the wreckage of Outbound Flight allowed him to come to terms with his difficult relationship with his sister, he was able to accept the loss and felt it was fitting that the weapon be sacrificed to protect the expedition's remaining survivors.


Lorana Jinzler

Constructed at some point prior to her mission to the planet Barlok in 27 BBY Lorana Jinzler's lightsaber was a well-made weapon that was built to last. Consequently, when it was discovered along with her remains aboard Outbound Flight over five decades later, the still produced a functional blade, although the characteristic "snap-hiss" sound made upon activation was weak. The lightsaber's hilt was a short, silver colored cylinder made out of metal with an amethyst gemstone attached to the activation stud. The amethyst was a gift from a group of citizens from the mid-levels of the planet Coruscant who were once rescued by Lorana and her Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth; unbeknownst to Lorana, it was given on behalf of her mother and father. When activated, Lorana's lightsaber produced a green blade.


Lorana's lightsaber was constructed during her time as a Jedi. She used it while on a mission to Barlok when she was a Padawan apprenticed to Jorus C'baoth and as a Jedi Knight she brought it along when she embarked for other galaxies aboard Outbound Flight, a massive starship consisting of six connected Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers. Lorana wielded it throughout the Outbound Flight Project expedition up until her death aboard Dreadnaught-One, when she sacrificed herself alongside the Chiss Syndic Mitth'ras'safis to save the surviving passengers of Dreadnaught-Four.

Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker used Lorana's lightsaber to destroy a droideka on Dreadnaught-Four.

Over fifty years later in 22 ABY, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his wife Jedi Knight Mara Jade Skywalker rediscovered both Lorana's body and her lightsaber and Skywalker took possession of the lightsaber. Eventually, he showed it to Lorana's younger brother Dean Jinzler in the aftermath of an attack on Outbound Flight by warriors of the Vagaari Empire. While Skywalker suspected the lightsaber might have belonged to C'baoth, Jinzler, who joined the mission by posing as a diplomat for the New Republic identified it as Lorana's. Skywalker offered to give the weapon to him and although Jinzler accepted the offering, he postponed taking it. Instead, he told Skywalker to temporarily keep it, believing the Jedi would need it in their attempt to prevent the escape of a group of Vagaari warriors aboard Dreadnaught-Four who had stolen droids for use against the enemy Chiss Ascendancy. During the ensuing battle, Jade Skywalker used Lorana's lightsaber to destroy a droideka. After maneuvering the droideka above the lightsaber, she used the Force to activate the blade from a safe distance and destroy its mini-reactor. In hitting the mini-reactor, Jade Skywalker triggered a large explosion that destroyed both the droideka and lightsaber. Although the two Jedi searched, they could not find any remaining part of Lorana's lightsaber to present to her brother. Despite the loss of the last remaining material connection to his sister, his journey to the place where Lorana sacrificed her life helped Jinzler come to terms with the bitter feelings he once had for his sister. As a result, he was able to accept the loss and felt it was fitting that the weapon was sacrificed to protect the survivors of Outbound Flight, just as Lorana had given her own life.

Behind the scenes

Lorana's lightsaber first appeared in the 2004 novel Survivor's Quest written by Timothy Zahn. It was first pictured in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight, in the cover art of the second volume of the novel's Japanese edition.

