The Lourna Dee, a cruiser, was under the command of Lourna Dee, a Nihil Tempest Runner, who chose to name the vessel after herself. This particular cruiser had many systems, such as heat baffling, ablative plating, and engines that were double-sealed. These engines recycled the majority of the exhaust signature into the vessel's life-support and weapons systems. This design allowed the cruiser to be almost undetectable by scanners.
Due to its design for quick strikes, the ship had minimal armor and shielding, along with limited laser weaponry. This made it vulnerable in direct combat, and Dee worried that even a Longbeam cruiser combined with a Jedi Vector could destroy her primary ship.
Following its destruction in the Battle of Galov, the Jedi Order recovered the ship's Path drive. They then placed it inside the Ataraxia so the Jedi could journey to the Nihil's Great Hall located in No-Space. Their goal was to bring Dee to justice, as Jedi Master Avar Kriss thought Dee held the key to understanding the Nihil's weapon used against them.