Lufa Danak

Lufa Danak, a Neimoidian, was in the service of the Trade Federation during the time of the Galactic Republic. In the year 32 BBY, Danak was present at a session of the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic on the planet Coruscant. During this session, Queen Padmé Amidala made a plea for assistance to stop the invasion of her homeworld, Naboo, which was being carried out by the Trade Federation. Senator Lott Dod, also representing the Trade Federation and sharing a repulsorpod with Danak, voiced his disagreement with the Queen's statements.


During the era of the Galactic Republic, Lufa Danak, a Neimoidian, worked for the Trade Federation. Following the invasion of the planet Naboo by the Federation in 32 BBY, Danak attended a meeting of the Republic's Galactic Senate inside the Senate Building on Coruscant. The Neimoidian was seated in a repulsorpod alongside Senator Lott Dod, the Federation's representative, and another Neimoidian. At this meeting, Queen Padmé Amidala addressed the senate, requesting help to end the invasion of Naboo, her homeworld. However, before she could finish her request, Dod moved their repulsorpod forward and objected, stating that there was no evidence of an invasion.

Danak accompanied Lott Dod in the Senate.

Aks Moe, a senator from Malastare, sided with Dod, prompting Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to acknowledge the point and inquire if Amidala would consider deferring her motion for a committee investigation. Amidala declined and instead called for a Vote of No Confidence directed at Valorum. This resulted in Valorum being replaced by Sheev Palpatine, the senator from Naboo, while Amidala went back to Naboo and was successful in defeating the Federation's forces present there.

Personality and traits

Danak's skin was green, and his eyes were red.


Lufa Danak was seen wearing a black diplomat's hat together with several layers of blue and purple robes.

Behind the scenes

Lufa Danak's initial appearance was in the 1999 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Within the current canon, Danak's identity was first established in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, authored by Adam Bray, Tricia Barr, and Cole Horton. The name itself originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing in the "Rogues Gallery" article published in Star Wars Insider 147 during 2014.

