A lightsaber with a blue blade was the weapon of choice for Jedi Master Mace Windu while he served on the High Council of the Jedi Order. This [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber/legends], a standard weapon, featured a gray metallic hilt with ribbed detailing, a conical radiator casing segment on the pommel, and a red adjuster to modify the length of the blue blade.
Before constructing his more distinctive purple-bladed lightsaber with electrum accents, Windu built this blue saber. He used the blue weapon during the Yinchorri Uprising in 33 BBY. In the year after that event, during the Invasion of Naboo, the Jedi Master used both the blue and purple lightsabers interchangeably. By the conclusion of the invasion, Windu was in possession of Eeth Koth's lightsaber, a fellow Jedi Councilor's weapon, having traded his blue saber for it during the Concordance of Fealty, a Jedi ritual signifying deep trust. Eeth Koth gave the lightsaber back to Windu not long before Windu went on a diplomatic mission on behalf of the Galactic Republic, aiming to negotiate a peaceful resolution between the Red Iaro terrorist group and the prince of the Lannik people located on the Mid Rim planet of Malastare.
The Jedi Council: Acts of War series from Dark Horse Comics (2000) depicts Mace Windu wielding a blue lightsaber during the Yinchorri Uprising. However, a visual representation of the same event in The New Essential Chronology (2005), a reference book by Kevin J. Anderson and Daniel Wallace, shows Windu using a purple lightsaber. Similarly, the blue blades seen in issues 22 and 23 of the Star Wars comic book series were changed to purple when they were reprinted in 2010 in Star Wars Omnibus: Quinlan Vos: Jedi in Darkness.
In the Star Wars Tales 13 comic story "Children of the Force," Mace Windu's lightsaber has a purple blade, yet the hilt's design is reminiscent of his blue-bladed weapon.