Concordance of Fealty

Concordance of Fealty Concordance of Fealty between Eeth Koth and Mace Windu

The Concordance of Fealty represented a Jedi custom where members of the Jedi Order would exchange their lightsaber with another. This act of swapping sabers was a deeply revered commitment, signifying total faith in one another. A pledge of reciprocal apprenticeship was part of the tradition, although this aspect saw limited application following the Cleansing of the Nine Houses, a battle from the era of the Old Sith Wars, and was generally practiced only by Jedi Masters.

Not long before Mace Windu embarked on a diplomatic mission aimed at brokering peace between the prince of the Lannik people and the Red Iaro terrorists, Jedi Councilors Windu and Eeth Koth completed the Concordance of Fealty, around 32 years before the Battle of Yavin.

During a mission to the planet Skye in 22 BBY, Anakin Skywalker and Halagad Ventor participated in the Concordance of Fealty, which was unusual for Padawan learners. Because they exchanged lightsabers, Aragh, a Skye native, later told Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker that the two Jedi were Darth Vader, the fallen Jedi, and the one who carried the lightsaber of Skywalker's father, Anakin, even though Vader and the elder Skywalker were the same person.

Mace Windu journeyed to his homeworld Haruun Kal in 22 BBY on a quest to find his former Padawan, Jedi Master Depa Billaba. There, he discovered Billaba's lightsaber in the hands of Nick Rostu, a local guide. Windu considered how Rostu might have obtained the weapon, and decided a Concordance of Fealty was unlikely.

Mara Jade, formerly an Emperor's Hand, and Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn were involved in the reciprocal apprenticeship component of the Concordance of Fealty during the time of the New Republic.

Known participants

Behind the scenes

The Concordance of Fealty tradition was invented as a retcon to provide an explanation for why Mace Windu had two lightsabers, one appearing in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and the other included with the Hasbro action figure. It was later utilized to clarify the description of the Battle of Skye in Star Wars Annual (1977) 1, which implied that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were separate individuals by distinguishing between Darth Vader and the Jedi wielding the lightsaber carried by Luke Skywalker. Star Wars Gamer and Aliens in the Empire clarified that Halagad Ventor and Anakin Skywalker had temporarily swapped lightsabers for the Concordance of Fealty.

