Mag, a commander within the Grand Army of the Republic and a clone cold assault trooper, served during the Clone Wars. Back in 22 BBY, he and his squad found themselves stationed at Glid Station, a Republic outpost located on the frigid planet of Orto Plutonia, a world covered in ice. Mag's assignment, along with his squad, was to conduct field tests on various pieces of subzero equipment, notably the CK-6 swoop bike. The squad faced numerous challenges, most notably the encounter with a deadly and elusive sentient species they began calling the "ice men." These "ice men" made sure that no clone patrol survived an encounter, leaving no one to tell the tale. One night, while inspecting the station's outer sensors, Mag and Shiv, a clone trooper under his command, were ambushed and killed by the "ice men."
Following the demise of Mag and Shiv, the remaining clones at Glid Station met their end at the hands of the "ice men," as did all the battle droids at a nearby Separatist base. Subsequently, the Republic dispatched an investigative team to Orto Plutonia to uncover the fate of Glid Station. The team discovered that the "ice men" were actually a colony of Talz who had suffered an attack by the Separatists. The Republic base, unfortunately, was caught in the crossfire of the fighting between these two warring factions.
Mag was the designation given to a clone derived from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. He was born and underwent training on the planet of Kamino, preparing him to serve as a commander specializing in cold assault operations within the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars of 22 BBY, a conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, Mag and his squad were stationed at Glid Station. This Republic outpost was located on the frozen surface of Orto Plutonia, a world orbited by Pantora, a sovereign moon inhabited by the Pantorans, who remained loyal to the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. While stationed there, Mag and his squad were tasked with evaluating various experimental cold-weather technologies, including the CK-6 swoop bike, known colloquially as the "Freeco bike."
While deployed on Orto Plutonia, Mag's squad encountered a series of difficulties. The rations provided to the squad were not transported in insulated containers, leading to them freezing solid due to the extreme cold. This forced the clones to boil their food, further diminishing its already limited flavor. Moreover, the Freeco bikes demanded constant maintenance, as they were prone to freezing up if neglected. Adding to these challenges, Mag's squad repeatedly encountered a large, mysterious, and lethal sentient species they referred to as the "ice men." Every patrol that crossed paths with the "ice men" was killed, leaving the true nature of the species shrouded in mystery.
Despite the presence of a nearby Separatist base on the planet, Mag and his squad never engaged with any battle droids. Nevertheless, the clones sought to maintain their combat readiness by constructing snowmen resembling B1-series battle droids, B2 battle droids, and General Grievous—the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army—using them as targets for practice.

One fateful night, Mag and Shiv, one of his men, were inspecting an external sensor when their Freeco bikes malfunctioned due to the extreme cold. This left them stranded until the following dawn, when Glid Station could dispatch an LAAT/i gunship for rescue. The two clones established a small camp, erected a tent, and prepared to endure the night. However, as Mag and Shiv discussed a letter Shiv was composing to Flanker, a fellow hatchmate of his, they were ambushed by the "ice men." The "ice men" tore open the tent, swiftly killing Mag, and then turned their attention to Shiv, who was reaching for a blaster pistol. Subsequently, both Glid Station and the nearby Confederate outpost were attacked by the "ice men," resulting in the complete annihilation of all clone troopers and battle droids stationed at both locations.
Following the Republic's loss of contact with Glid Station, the Galactic Senate launched an investigation, spearheaded by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, to ascertain the fate of the outpost on Orto Plutonia. Accompanying the Jedi were representatives from Pantora: Chairman Chi Cho and Galactic Senator Riyo Chuchi. The Jedi's inquiry revealed that the "ice men" were, in reality, a peaceful tribe of Talz who had been subjected to an attack by the Separatist battle droids. As a result of the conflict, Mag, Shiv, and the rest of Glid Station had been caught in the middle of the hostilities between the two opposing factions.
Like all clones originating from Jango Fett's genetic template, Mag possessed a height of 1.83 meters. Mag displayed a lack of amusement upon discovering Shiv writing letters instead of resting, and he reprimanded his subordinate for this behavior.
While stationed on Orto Plutonia, Mag donned cold assault trooper armor adorned with red stripes on both his helmet and shoulder pads. Furthermore, he piloted a Freeco bike.
Mag's inaugural and sole appearance occurred in the six-page webcomic titled Cold Snap, a component of The Clone Wars. This webcomic directly preceded "Trespass," an episode featured in the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series_.[5]_