Shiv, during the Clone Wars, was a clone cold assault trooper serving the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the conflict, Shiv maintained correspondence with Flanker, a fellow clone trooper, even after Flanker's death during the Battle of Christophsis. In the year 22 BBY, Shiv and his squad received orders to proceed to Glid Station on the ice planet Orto Plutonia, where they were to conduct field tests on various pieces of subzero equipment. While stationed on this planet, Shiv's squad encountered a mysterious and perilous species, which they referred to as the "ice men." These creatures were responsible for the deaths of all clone patrols that crossed their path. Shiv, along with Mag, his commander, later met their demise at the hands of the ice men while they were inspecting one of the station's external sensors. Ultimately, the ice men also eliminated the remaining clones stationed at Glid Station, as well as all the battle droids located at the nearby Separatist base. Subsequent investigation by the Republic revealed that the ice men were, in fact, a colony of Talz who had been attacked by Separatists, and Glid Station had inadvertently become entangled in the resulting conflict.

For his service within the Grand Army of the Republic, a clone cold assault trooper was designated Shiv, having been born on the planet of Kamino. During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Shiv found solace in writing letters to Flanker, a fellow clone trooper, even after Flanker's death during the Battle of Christophsis. In 22 BBY, Shiv, along with the rest of his squad, was deployed to Glid Station, situated on the frozen world of Orto Plutonia. Pantora, inhabited by the Pantorans, a sovereign moon that orbited Orto Plutonia, had maintained its allegiance to the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Shiv and his squad were assigned the task of evaluating experimental cold-weather gear, including the CK-6 swoop bike, known as the "Freeco bike." Reflecting on their desert training, Shiv and Flanker had always joked that Shiv would be sent to a water planet, making his assignment to an ice planet a source of amusement for Shiv.
Shiv's time at Glid Station was marked by numerous challenges. The rations provided to his squad were not transported in insulated containers, resulting in them freezing solid due to the extreme cold. Consequently, the clones were forced to boil their rations, further diminishing their already limited flavor. Additionally, the Freeco bikes required constant maintenance to prevent them from freezing up.
The situation deteriorated further when Shiv's squad began encountering a highly dangerous and enigmatic species, which they dubbed the "ice men." All patrols that had seemingly encountered these ice men were killed. Despite the presence of a nearby Separatist base on the planet, Shiv and his squad never encountered any battle droids. Nevertheless, they endeavored to maintain their combat readiness by constructing snowmen resembling B1-series battle droids, B2 battle droids, and General Grievous, the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, using them for target practice.

One night, while Shiv and Mag, his commander, were inspecting an external sensor, their Freeco bikes malfunctioned due to the extreme cold. Stranded on the frozen tundra, the pair was compelled to spend the night until Glid Station could dispatch an LAAT/i gunship at dawn. Establishing a small camp with a tent, the clones decided to alternate between guarding the camp and sleeping. During Mag's guard shift, Shiv chose to stay awake and compose a letter to Flanker on a datapad in an attempt to calm his nerves. While Shiv was expressing his concerns about their predicament in his letter, Mag entered the tent and discovered that Shiv was writing instead of resting for his turn on guard duty. Shortly after Mag's arrival, a group of ice men launched an assault on the camp, tearing through the tent and fatally wounding Mag. As Shiv attempted to retrieve a DC-17 hand blaster to defend himself, he was also attacked and killed by the ice men.
Following the deaths of Shiv and Mag, the ice creatures proceeded to attack both the Separatist outpost and Glid Station, eliminating all the battle droids and clone troopers stationed at each base. When the Republic lost communication with Glid Station, the Galactic Senate dispatched an investigative team, led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, to Orto Plutonia to determine the fate of the outpost. Accompanying the Jedi were representatives from Pantora: Chairman Chi Cho and Galactic Senator Riyo Chuchi. The Jedi's investigation revealed that the "ice men" were, in reality, a peaceful group of Talz who had been targeted by the Separatist battle droids, with the Glid base becoming inadvertently caught in the crossfire.
Shiv relied on writing letters as a means of relaxation when feeling anxious. Some of these letters were addressed to Flanker, even after his hatchmate had perished on Christophsis. However, Shiv was hesitant to disclose his continued correspondence with Flanker to others, as evidenced by his reluctance to answer Mag's inquiry about Flanker's identity. Shiv also possessed a sense of humor, which he demonstrated in his final letter to Flanker before his death. As a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, Shiv had tan skin, brown eyes, black hair, and, like all clone troopers, had a height of 1.83 meters.
Shiv's sole appearance occurred in the six-page Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic Cold Snap, which served as a direct prelude to "Trespass," an episode from the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series.