Maldrod was a Human male Colonel in the Imperial Military during the height of the Galactic Civil War. In 3 ABY, Maldrod was assigned to the Belderone system, working underneath the Sith Lord Darth Vader and General Andrid in an effort to snuff out growing Rebel sentiment on Kulthis. When Vader personally executed Andrid for insubordination, the Sith Lord tapped Maldrod to travel to Belderone with him and personally oversee the mobilization of Imperial forces to strike at Kulthis. Maldrod was present at the ensuing battle on Belderone, when a Rebel force directly attacked an Imperial AT-AT factory on the planet, a Rebel victory.
Maldrod appeared in Star Wars Annual (1977) 3, written by Mary Jo Duffy, illustrated by Klaus Janson and released in 1983.