The Manoe system existed within the Manoe sector, which itself was situated in the New Territories region of the Mid Rim. This star system was linked via hyperlanes to both the Gultanna system located in the Vadigult sector, and to the Dohu system found within the sector that shares its name. As of 12 ABY, the New Republic held dominion over the territory encompassing the Manoe system.
The Online Companion for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas provided the initial mention of the Manoe system, assigning it to grid square K-7. Jason Fry, one of the writers behind The Essential Atlas, explained on the Jedi Council Forums hosted by that Manoe was devised for "bookkeeping purposes," ensuring each sector in the Online Companion had at least one system assigned to it. It is worth noting that the Grehollo system was also situated within the Manoe sector.