The Vadigult sector, alternatively known as the Va di Gult sector, was situated within the New Territories area of the Mid Rim. Located inside the Vadigult sector was the Gultanna system, which was connected to neighboring Mid Rim sectors via hyperlanes.
As of 0 ABY, the Vadigult sector shared a border with the Abaar sector to the west and the Manoe sector to the north. Furthermore, its eastern edge formed a quadripoint with the Luuq sector, as well as the Fellwe and Immalia sectors of the Expansion Region. By 12 ABY, these boundaries remained unchanged, with the sector then being a component of the New Republic.
The Vadigult sector initially appeared in the Online Companion on for the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas, where it was referred to as the "Va di Gult sector." However, when Modi's map of the sector was published in the 2012 article The Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim, the alternative spelling "Vadigult sector" was introduced, and this spelling was consistently used in all subsequent sources.
Jason Fry, one of the authors of The Essential Atlas, mentioned on the Jedi Council Forums at that the Gultanna system was created simply to ensure that the Vadigult sector had at least one system assigned to it, for "bookkeeping purposes".