The Immalia sector, a region of space in the Expansion Region of the galaxy, was designated as a sector. This sector shared borders with the Fellwe, Trestis, Drannik, and Vadigult sectors. Immalia, a planet within the Immalia system, served as the capital of the Immalia sector. In addition to Immalia, the sector encompassed the Chalenor system, which included the planet Amador and its moon, Mayvitch 7. Also found within the Immalia sector were the planet Meldazar located in the Meldazar system, Vorian IV within the Vorian system, and the Anduvia system.
Exploration of the Immalia sector initially took place between 8000 BBY and 5500 BBY. The average population on each planet was estimated to be between less than one million and ten million inhabitants. The sector became integrated into the Galactic Republic around 5000 BBY, but it existed in unclaimed territory during the period known as the New Sith Wars. During the Great Galactic War fought between the Republic and the Sith Empire sometime between 3667–3653 BBY, a battle occurred on Amador. Furthermore, the Yinchorri species, originating from the neighboring Fellwe sector, launched an attack on Mayvitch 7 during the Yinchorri Uprising in 33 BBY. During the Clone Wars, the sector formed part of the [Immalia Oversector], which served as the operational area for the Republic's [Seventh Army] under the command of Moff Marcellin Wessel. Later, in 19 BBY, under the leadership of Grand Moff Wessel, the oversector was incorporated into the Galactic Empire.