
Immalia, situated within the Immalia sector, was a celestial body categorized as an Expansion Region world. It served as the homeworld for Humans known as the Immalians. During the period of the Waymancy Storm, the Signatories of Waymancy initiated an orbital bombardment upon Immalia. This attack was ultimately thwarted by the Galactic Republic through the deployment of the experimental cannonship named Squintpipe.

Many millennia subsequently, this celestial body became a battleground for conflict involving forces of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. When the Rebel forces observed an Imperial unit equipped with radiation zone assault trooper armor, they mistakenly concluded they were engaged in combat within a radioactive environment, prompting their retreat.


Immalia existed as a terrestrial world within the Immalia system. Functioning as a component of the Expansion Region, it was specifically located in the Immalia sector. More precisely, it was situated within both the Outer Expansion Zone sub-region and the Northern Dependencies area of the Expansion Region.


Republic Warfare

Around the era of the Waymancy Storm in 7811 BBY, a hyperspace jump beacon was positioned near Immalia. During that conflict, the Signatories of Waymancy launched an orbital bombardment against the world. The Galactic Republic cannonship Squintpipe, outfitted with an experimental deflector shield generator and an energy skin, navigated through the Signatories' vessels. This action brought an end to the bombardment, causing the surviving enemy ships to flee towards the jump beacon to escape the system. During a speech on the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm in 7786 BBY, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Nagratha cited the Republic's intervention at Immalia as a key heroic moment of the Waymancy Storm.

As the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, the Fifteenth Army of the Republic Military, stationed in the Inner Rim's Bilbringi system, was assigned the defense of the Immalia Oversector against the Confederate military.

Galactic Civil War

During the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance spanning from 2 BBY to 4 ABY, Immalia became a site of combat between Imperial and Rebel forces, including Alliance General Carlist Rieekan. During this engagement, the Empire equipped a team of troops with radiation zone assault trooper armor. Upon seeing the approaching team, the Rebel force assumed the presence of radtroopers indicated the area was contaminated with radiation, leading to their retreat.

Rieekan later discovered the actual circumstances of the Immalia incident, which he documented in a marginal note within a captured copy of the Imperial Military manual, Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide. Later, Immalia was incorporated into the territory of the Rebel Alliance's successor, the New Republic, between 12 ABY and 13 ABY.


Immalia was the native world of the Human population known as the Immalians. They attempted to establish a colony on Mayvitch 7, a moon in the nearby Chalenor system, setting up mining operations there by 33 BBY and a small defensive outpost to guard against pirate attacks. In that year, the warlike Yinchorri launched an assault on the Mayvitch 7 colony, resulting in the deaths of most of its inhabitants.

Behind the scenes

The name "Immalia" was utilized to denote the Immalia star system in the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry; the Online Companion accompanying that book; and the 2012 book, The Essential Guide to Warfare by Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. The Essential Atlas indicated the system's location in grid square K-8.

Initially, a mention of Immalia as a distinct celestial body was intended for inclusion in a section written by Wallace for The Essential Guide to Warfare; however, this section was removed prior to the book's publication. This information about Immalia was subsequently released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss, featuring various content that had been cut from The Essential Guide to Warfare.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 4: The Rise of the Republic on (article) (backup link) (First described)
  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Notes and references
