The 16-page comic, "Mara Jade: A Night on the Town," which was penned by Timothy Zahn, can be found within Star Wars Tales 1__. The story unfolds shortly after the events depicted in Return of the Jedi. You can also find it reprinted in Star Wars Tales Volume 1 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 1.
Mara Jade arrives on Kintoni, seeking refuge from Ysanne Isard's pursuing forces. While there, she observes Rebel General Crix Madine being escorted into a local garrison by several Rebel guards. Mara sneaks into the building that Crix entered and witnesses him interrogating former Imperial Governor Barkale. Barkale maintains that he is ignorant of the location of his sector forces, and he is eventually returned to his "quarters." Mara navigates through the building to Governor Barkale, eventually discovering a datapad displaying the Executor. She connects the datapad to the main sensor feed. She proceeds through the garrison, only to be stopped in Madine's quarters. Crix summons reinforcements, but as he reaches for his robe, she shoots his blaster out of his grasp and aims her own at his head just as the reinforcements arrive.
Simultaneously, the Executor appears on the security screen (due to Mara's sabotage), triggering an alarm and allowing Mara to stun-blast the distracted guards. Mara strikes a deal with Crix; it seemingly involves her and Governor Barkale escaping alive. Barkale directs Mara to his nearby home, where Mara spots a sculpture and inquires about its origin. Barkale alleges that he acquired it from the treasury, but Mara recalls that Barkale had reported it as stolen or destroyed in a Rebel attack two years prior; this is also the case for most of the art in the room. She accuses him of treasonous embezzlement, but Barkale throws a vase at her head. She swiftly evades the projectile and shoots Governor Barkale with her blaster. Mara then contacts General Madine, providing him with the location of Barkale's treasure stash; she reflects that the Rebels would have discovered it eventually, and that them finding it a few days earlier was worth killing the traitorous Barkale. As dawn breaks, Mara boards a shuttle and departs.