The Evereni female who gave birth to Marda Ro was able to escape an assault on her family on the planet of Genetia. The attack was carried out by the townspeople, who held the family responsible for the failure of their crops. To flee the planet, she and Yana Ro's mother murdered a Theelins family and commandeered their starship. They remained onboard until the life support began to fail, leaving them in a state of hunger and cold. Subsequently, the Hutt Clan towed their ship to Nar Shaddaa, where the Hutts intended to sell them into [slavery](/article/slavery]. However, the Path of the Open Hand, a religious cult, intervened by paying for their freedom. Following this, she and her family fled to Dalna, where they became members of the Path and resided at the cult's compound. Marda's mother imparted to Marda the knowledge of how to say or avoid saying goodbye, after which she and Yana's mother departed, leaving Marda and Yana in the care of the Path. Marda later came to the conclusion that their mothers had desired for them to remain together.
The initial reference to Marda Ro's mother appeared in the young adult novel The High Republic: Path of Deceit, released in 2022. This novel, penned by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton, is a component of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.