Yana Ro's mother

The female parent of Yana Ro was an Evereni woman who fled from an assault targeting the Ro family on the world of Genetia. The townspeople launched this attack because they held the family responsible for their crop failures. Yana's father was killed during this attack, along with Yana's grandparents. To escape the planet, they, along with Marda Ro's mother, murdered a Theelin family to steal their spacecraft. Over time, the spacecraft's life support systems started to fail, causing them to be hungry and cold. A Hutt Clan trawler then towed their ship to Nar Shaddaa, where the Hutts tried to force them into servitude. However, the religious order known as the Path of the Open Hand paid for their liberation, and they and her family escaped to the planet Dalna, where they became members of the Path, residing at the cult's complex on the planet. Yana's mother instructed Yana to suppress her emotions, a lesson Yana would carry throughout her life. They also taught Yana how to say, or avoid saying, goodbye. Subsequently, they and Marda's mother departed, leaving Yana and Marda in the care of the Path. Marda later came to believe that their mothers intended for them to remain together.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Yana Ro's mother occurred within the 2022 young-adult novel titled The High Republic: Path of Deceit, which was authored by Justina Ireland and [Tessa Gratton]. This novel forms a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.

