Medrit Vasur

Medrit Vasur, a Human male from Mandalore, was both a soldier and a skilled blacksmith in the ways of the Mandalorian. His husband, Goran Beviin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, was frequently absent on assignments, leaving Medrit on Mandalore. Their joyful marital union lasted from well before the year 25 ABY to beyond [40 ABY](/article/40_aby]. Early on during the Yuuzhan Vong War, they chose to adopt Dinua Jeban, a fourteen-year-old Mandalorian orphan from the war.

After Sintas Vel was freed from his carbonite imprisonment, he informed Hayca Mekket that her services might be required due to Boba Fett's expressed doubts about Beluine's capabilities. When Jaina Solo arrived to train under Fett's tutelage, Vasur crafted a suit of beskar upper body armor for the Mandalore himself, although Goran had also desired a set of greaves. Solo would later reveal the true identity of Gotab to him, but he considered the matter resolved after learning that Gotab had willingly chosen the path of a Mando'ad over that of a Jedi.

Behind the scenes

The character, initially mentioned as Medrit in Karen Traviss's 2006 e-novella Boba Fett: A Practical Man, made his first full appearance in Traviss's 2007 novel, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. While the Dramatis Personae at the start of Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice identifies him as Medrit Beviin, the novel's actual text refers to him as Medrit Vasur, a detail echoed in Traviss's subsequent novel, Legacy of the Force: Revelation, released on February 26, 2008. By December 9 of that same year, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia included an entry for him listed under "Vasur, Medrit," whereas the 2012 reference work, The Essential Reader's Companion, refers to him as Medrit Beviin.

Within Legends continuity, Medrit's gender is established as male, which makes Goran and Medrit the first openly gay couple to be represented in Star Wars literature.

