
The Melida were inhabitants of Melida/Daan in the Cadavine sector, coexisting with the Daan. A Republic senator and his year old son, Axel Greylark, then eighteen, initiated a diplomatic mission alongside the Jedi Order to secure the freedom of the leader of the Daan, who had been captured by the Melida. However, this mission was a setup intended to demonstrate the consequences of aiding the Daan to all their allies. During the escape, an explosion caused the senator to be trapped beneath debris; as the Melida approached, a Jedi Knight rescued the injured Greylark, compelling him to abandon his father to his die. In 382 BBY, Greylark recounted the event to the Jedi Gella Nattai.

Behind the scenes

Within the existing Star Wars canon, the Melida were initially referenced in [Zoraida Córdova](/article/zoraida c%c3%b3rdova)'s 2022 novel, The High Republic: Convergence. The Melida initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends timeline, debuting in Jude Watson's young adult book Jedi Apprentice: The Defenders of the Dead from 1999.

