Melo Centris

Melo Centris, a human of the female persuasion, operated as a bounty hunter as the Galactic Republic neared its end.


Being force-sensitive, Centris utilized the Force to improve her abilities as a bounty hunter. She accepted a contract from the Hutts to assassinate Jarid DeBell, an ex-Jedi who had angered them. DeBell was scheduled to marry Senator Lavina Durada-Vashne Wren on the planet Cularin, prompting Centris's journey to the Cularin system. She made her way to Tolea Biqua located on the gas planet Genarius, where she was convinced by a band of Devaronians to employ them. She tasked the Devaronians with obtaining ingredients for baking a cake, which she then laced with poison. Subsequently, she disguised herself as an usher to sneak into the wedding with the intention of having DeBell eat the cake. Nevertheless, the Heroes of Cularin figured out her scheme and foiled her attempts.

During the time of the Clone Wars, Centris made an attempt to unleash a virus into the atmosphere of the planet Caarimon, with the goal of eradicating its indigenous inhabitants, the Caarites.

