Mercos, a Commander within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Special Forces, was a human of the male variety. Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, Mercos found himself stationed at Echo Base. This secret Alliance base was situated on the planet Hoth. The Galactic Empire launched an attacked, but the Alliance executed a large scale evacuation of the planet. Mercos, however, was stranded. He managed to survive on Hoth by himself for a number of weeks after the conflict.
During the blockade imposed by the Empire on the Anoat sector, Mercos became a member of the Smuggler's team. The Smuggler then sent the Rebel on multiple missions throughout the sector.
Mercos originated in the canon mobile game Star Wars: Uprising. Kabam developed the game for iOS and Android devices, launching it in 2015. In the game, he is a distinctive 5-star crew member. This article presumes complete game progression in Star Wars: Uprising, indicating that the Smuggler recruited Mercos into their crew and deployed him on Crew Runs.
When participating in Crew Runs, Mercos grants a bonus to all Technical Crew members involved in the same Run.