
Merumeru was a Wookiee leader and captain of the male sex, originating from the planet of Kashyyyk. In the waning days of the Clone Wars, this individual commanded a company of Wookiee warriors in a battle against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on his native homeworld. Merumeru and his soldiers engaged in combat along the shores below the city of Kachirho, opposing the Separatist Droid Army while fighting alongside clone troopers serving the Galactic Republic. Soon after this conflict, the Republic's troops betrayed the Wookiees during the execution of Order 66.

Personality and traits

Merumeru was a Wookiee standing at a height of 2.25 meters, distinguished by his brown fur. He and his warriors were known to be courageous combatants.


Being a chieftain, Merumeru utilized a command staff crafted from wood. During the Kashyyyk conflict, he was equipped with a helmet, decorative shoulder armor, and a harness.

Behind the scenes

Axel Dench played Merumeru in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, although he was initially credited only as "Wookiee Chieftain" during the film's creation. His name was revealed in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, a Star Wars Legends reference book authored by James Luceno and published in 2005. The name was later integrated into canon through the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, which saw release in 2015. The helmet intended for Merumeru in Revenge of the Sith was not ready in time for filming, so he was given a blue helmet to wear. This blue head covering was later replaced with a digitally created helmet in the movie's final cut.

