Mina Dhori Tolas

title: Mina Dhori Tolas

Originally known as Mina Dhori, Mina Dhori Tolas was a Human female who at one time held the position of senator in the Imperial Senate, and subsequently became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Dhori's place of birth was Korvaii, a small planet used for agriculture situated within the Mid Rim. In her early years, she became a senator, acting as a representative for her planet inside the Imperial Senate, which was located on Coruscant. But, upon the Emperor Palpatine's decision to dissolve the Senate in 0 BBY, she made her way back to her home planet. Upon her return, she discovered that the majority of the population, which included her own family, had been taken prisoner by the Galactic Empire and made to work in what were termed "loyalty camps". She managed to avoid the Imperial forces and leave the planet by concealing herself within the cargo area of a ship heading for the Outer Rim. By acting on information she had come across during her time in the Senate, she eventually located a contact within the Rebel Alliance and enlisted in the resistance.

Dhori was eventually given an assignment to serve on the Alliance YT-1300 light freighter known as the Lazy Katarn. In 3 ABY, the ship was dispatched to the planet Dalicron-4, with the mission of locating the child Caeleb, who had the ability to use the force-sensitive. It turned out that the Whiphid Dark Jedi Tol Skaros had taken the child prisoner. Dhori, along with the other members of the Katarn's crew, were successful in their battle against Skaros, and they freed Caeleb. Some months later, Thaum Rystra, Skaro's master, captured Caeleb, which resulted in the Katarn's crew being sent out once more to rescue him. After following a lead on Nar Shaddaa, they traced Rystra to the planet Pamorjal. However, the Katarn was destroyed during an encounter with the Pamorjal Freeman's League, leading Dhori and the rest of the crew to switch to flying on the YT-2000 Celestial Dancer. They faced Rystra in the Cavern of Light on a remote planet in the Outer Rim and managed to save Caeleb, although Rystra got away.

Dhori eventually wed Garek Tolas, a former soldier of the Empire who served alongside her on the Dancer. The Alliance was reformed and became the New Republic, and Dhori and the rest of the Dancer's crew started to serve the new government. In 7 ABY, they journeyed to the Temple of Pain in the Tascollan Nebula, where they confronted and defeated Rystra and his master, the spirit of the Sith consort Valik Kodank.

