The Bilbringi Mission occurred in 9 ABY, marking the conclusion of the Hegemony theater. During the New Republic's engagement in overthrowing Delak Krennel, Ysanne Isard from the Xucphra Corporation made an attempt to infiltrate the Bilbringi Shipyards. Her goal was to seize her former vessel, the Lusankya.
After feigning her demise on Thyferra, Ysanne Isard maintained a discreet presence. She spent her time reflecting on past choices, concluding that her actions had been irrational since Corran Horn's escape from her private detention facility and the loss of Coruscant. Eager to move forward, Isard sought to patiently await her next opportunity, beginning to accumulate resources once more. Her initial step involved deposing General Arnothian, a minor warlord overseeing a facility capable of constructing TIE/D Defender starfighters, with the intent of claiming the facility as the foundation for a new power base.
Regardless of her initial schemes, they were interrupted when Palpatine himself contacted her, having returned in a clone body within the Deep Core and preparing an offensive against the New Republic. The Emperor demanded her allegiance, and she pledged to return the Lusankya as proof of her loyalty. She then manipulated the events of the New Republic Campaign against Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel to eliminate her clone aiding the Prince-Admiral and reclaim the Star Dreadnaught entrusted to her by the Emperor.
As part of her elaborate strategy, Ysanne rescued Rogue Squadron from an ambush by deploying her own two TIE Defender squadrons to assist them, thus bringing the unit back to her. This forged a reluctant alliance with Wedge Antilles to dismantle the Hegemony, eliminate her clone, and liberate the Lusankya Prisoners held within the Hegemony. This was ostensibly in exchange for a guarantee of a peaceful retirement.
Her true objective, however, was to control the New Republic's timeline for attacking the Hegemony. This would allow her to infiltrate the Bilbringi Shipyards when the main fleet units committed to the campaign launched from their staging area, and reclaim her Star Dreadnaught, which had been relocated there for its final reconstruction and testing before entering fleet service. To execute this deception, she concealed her involvement from the New Republic. She ensured that the messages General Antilles needed to send to Ackbar to coordinate the supposed plan to attack Ciutric IV only identified her as a former Imperial ally, nothing more. She knew that revealing her presence would raise alarms and potentially jeopardize her real plan.
Unfortunately for the former Director of Intelligence, she overlooked a critical detail in her otherwise meticulous planning. All of the Rogues' astromech droids had been fitted with restraining bolts, shut down and stored away—ostensibly for safekeeping while the Rogues were on their mission but essentially as hostages—upon arriving at Isards base. However, Isard was unaware that Whistler, Corran's R2 unit, had been extensively modified to render restraining bolts ineffective. The R2 unit remained active, monitoring all local signal traffic and receiving occasional intelligence from Horn. Eventually, the order was given to escape the base and report in. After freeing Gate, the two astromechs vanished unnoticed from their storeroom. Through ingenuity and cunning, they managed to leave the planet and meet with Talon Karrde, who then transported them to the Errant Venture, and onward to Coruscant, where they delivered the news that Isard was orchestrating the entire situation.
Having prior knowledge of the situation, Airen Cracken, Isard's old adversary and now head of New Republic Intelligence, assigned Booster Terrik, Mirax Terrik, and Iella Wessiri the task of uncovering Isard's ultimate goal and thwarting her plans. Along with this formidable task, the General granted them the highest level clearance codes and full authority to take any necessary actions. He was unwilling to risk a larger operation that might leak information back to Isard, trusting instead that this somewhat unconventional group had the means to decipher Isard's endgame and counter it in their own way.
Ultimately, Booster deduced Isard's plan by determining that if she intended to re-enter the Galactic stage, her immediate priority would be to amass as much power as swiftly as possible. He eventually concluded that her former command ship would be the ideal instrument for her objectives, serving as both a symbol of her restored power to various Imperial factions throughout the Galaxy and a potent weapon in its own right. Rushing to the Bilbringi Shipyards, the group utilized their authority to seize control of the Star Dreadnaught and prepared to wait.
As anticipated, the light freighter Swift eventually arrived and docked, utilizing access codes stolen by Isard's agents within the New Republic to disembark a skeleton bridge crew and a commando team. Isard herself proceeded alone through her ship to the personal command room the Emperor had turned over the ship to her in - expressing her distaste for the New Republic's redecorating efforts in passing, just moments from reclaiming her prized possession and fulfilling her promise to the Resurrected Emperor to regain what he had once given her.
However, at this juncture, events rapidly spiraled out of control for the former Director of Intelligence.
As expected, her boarding party under Captain Wintle had secured the empty bridge without resistance, the only personnel on board apparently many kilometers away in the ship's bow. Yet on arrival, they had found that all the controls were locked down, with all command functions currently being run from the ships Auxiliary Bridge. Unconcerned, she instructed her team to meet her there and moved to leave her room, only to find herself unexpectedly being held at blasterpoint by NRI Agent Iella Wessiri, who explained to her that the astromechs had gotten the word out and she had just fallen into a trap. Isard attempted to bribe her way out of the situation, communicating to the auxiliary bridge that she would pay them each twenty-five million Imperial credits to turn the ship over to her people - an offer that was promptly rejected by a somewhat irritated 'Acting Captain' Booster Terrik, who asked Wessiri to just shoot her and be done with it.
Wessiri, however, had little interest in killing Isard in cold blood nor humoring her attempts at manipulation. Instead she threatened to simply imprison her on her own Super Star Destroyer, locked away in some part of the ship serviced and manned only by droids; an anonymous prisoner who would never again have contact with anyone she could manipulate for the rest of her natural life. Confronted with such a fate, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence panicked. She attempted to kill Wessiri with a holdout blaster. Wessiri was shot in the shoulder, and retaliated by shooting Isard in the stomach. As Isard lay dying, she realized that she had failed the Emperor, and resigned herself to her fate.