Around 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker, the rebel and Jedi Padawan, embarked on a quest to Coruscant, a planet, with the goal of extracting a family of Crimson Dawn spies who had defected from the Galactic Empire. The mission proved successful, resulting in the family's relocation to the rebel fleet for debriefing by Rebel Intelligence. On their way back to the fleet, Skywalker engaged in conversation with Jon Melton and Bevelyn, both former employees on the second Death Star who had deserted; they shared details about their positions on the Death Star. Following their arrival at the fleet, Skywalker briefed Chancellor Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and General Hera Syndulla regarding the construction of the station. Subsequently, after this unveiling of the new Death Star, Skywalker became involved in a mission to the auction on Spira as part of an initiative aimed at acquiring fuel for the rebel fleet.