Mission to Habo

A patrol mission to the planet Habo was undertaken by members of the Jedi Order. Upon their arrival, the locals informed Tajin Crosser that an elderly individual had recently arrived on the planet and had ventured alone into the mountains. The Jedi initiated a search, eventually confronting the Elder in a duel. The Elder, wielding a pair of lightsabers, initially incapacitated the Jedi apprentice, Dan G'vash, and subsequently engaged Crosser in a brief battle. This confrontation revealed the Elder's significant command of the Force, demonstrated through his use of Force lightning. Despite his efforts, Crosser ultimately prevailed against the aged dark side user. However, the Elder activated a self-destruct sequence to obliterate his starship, eliminating any trace of his existence, while he simultaneously transformed into stone.

The Mission


Dan and Tajin discuss their destination and goal

Sometime between the years of 832 BBY and 32 BBY, Jedi Master Tajin Crosser and his Padawan Dan G'vash were traversing hyperspace en route to Habo, situated within the Outer Rim Territories. During their journey, G'vash voiced his observation to his master that Crosser seemed unusually determined to patrol the area, noting that the mission had been previously postponed and that Crosser had personally volunteered for it. Crosser dismissed his padawan's concerns, simply stating that he believed a trip to the Outer Rim would be beneficial for him—or so he claimed. Dan countered that the Outer Rim was not as he had anticipated, citing the lack of excitement and the generally peaceful nature of their mission as reasons for his disappointment. Crosser responded that potential danger is often easily overlooked when it is cloaked in tranquility. Suddenly, Crosser experienced a disturbance in the Force. G'vash inquired if he had sensed something, to which Crosser confirmed that he had felt a disturbance. They immediately disengaged from hyperspace, and the Padawan asked Crosser if the sensation persisted, but he stated that it had dissipated. Crosser then asked G'vash if he had perceived anything. G'vash replied negatively and requested that Crosser describe what he had felt. Crosser characterized the disturbance as a sinister and ancient darkness. Dan speculated that it might be related to the Sith, but Crosser dismissed the idea, asserting that the Sith had been extinct for centuries. Nevertheless, he decided that an investigation was necessary. G'vash declared that they would likely need to fight, but Crosser reprimanded his apprentice for his eagerness for combat. After reciting a Jedi mantra, Crosser informed G'vash that the nearest inhabited planet was Habo and that they should begin their investigation there. G'vash remarked that their mission would finally be more stimulating than their usual patrols, which annoyed Crosser.

The Mission

Crosser speaks with G'vash while observing the elder's ship.

Upon arriving on Habo, a planet Crosser had visited on several occasions, the two Jedi landed their vessel in a field situated near a small farming village. G'vash admired the scenic mountain ranges, expressing his enjoyment of the location, and Crosser suggested that he sample the local cuisine, Oon-Doon. As they approached the village, Crosser cautioned G'vash that the inhabitants of Habo were known for their shyness and requested that he remain behind while he spoke with them. From two local villagers, Crosser learned that a mysterious old man from an unidentified tribe had passed through the area a few days prior and had ventured into the mountains alone. Upon Crosser's return to G'vash, he noticed that his Padawan had already interacted with some Habo children. Crosser informed G'vash about the old man, whose ship had landed elsewhere in the vicinity. G'vash inquired if the old man was the source of the disturbance Crosser had sensed earlier, but Crosser remained uncertain. Dan questioned whether they had been intentionally misled, but Crosser suggested that the old man was concealing his presence from them. Despite his concerns, Crosser decided that they needed to investigate the identity of the elder. Crosser disagreed with G'vash's suggestion to immediately pursue the old man into the mountains, instead preferring to remain in the village and await his emergence. G'vash proposed that they separate, with Crosser staying in the village and him venturing into the mountains. Crosser approved of his plan but cautioned his Padawan about the native creatures known as Vamga and advised him to take a guide.

While G'vash and his guides, the Habo children, navigated the mountainous terrain, Crosser and the two village leaders proceeded to the location of the old man's starship. Upon observing the ship, Crosser contacted G'vash to inform him that, while he did not recognize the specific model, its design bore a resemblance to ancient Sith vessels. G'vash asked if the old man was a Sith, but Crosser could neither confirm nor deny this, simply stating that he had a foreboding feeling. G'vash noticed a deceased Vamga nearby and informed Crosser that its throat had been slashed with a lightsaber. Concerned, Crosser ordered G'vash to return to the village. Before he could comply, G'vash was confronted by the elder. Sensing the old man drawing a pair of lightsabers, Crosser instructed Dan to flee, but the Padawan instead ignited his own blade. Crosser began to ascend the mountain in haste to reach his apprentice. During his rapid climb, Crosser sensed G'vash being struck down with a blow to the abdomen by the old man. Rain began to fall as Crosser continued his ascent up the mountainside.

Tajin Crosser duels the elder on Habo.

Upon reaching the old man, Crosser found him seated on a rock with G'vash's body lying before him. The elder remarked to Tajin that it had been a long time since he had faced an opponent of his caliber, and both prepared their lightsabers. The duel commenced, and Crosser quickly gained the advantage, exploiting the old man's arrogance. Crosser destroyed one of the elder's lightsabers, inciting his rage. The elder extended his hand and began generating lightning from his limb, which Crosser recognized as an ancient Sith technique. While Tajin deflected the lightning with his lightsaber, the old man raised his remaining lightsaber to strike him down. However, before he could deliver the blow, he was struck by G'vash's blade, which the still-alive G'vash had propelled towards him using the Force. Capitalizing on this distraction, Crosser impaled the old man's chest with his saber. While Crosser rushed to Dan's side to assess his apprentice's condition, the dying elder used a remote to detonate his ship before disintegrating into dust and ash.


Tajin and Dan speak after their encounter with the elder.

Crosser and G'vash remained on Habo for a period of time, during which Dan recovered from his injury. Following the duels, G'vash inspected the village to ascertain if the ship was still intact, but discovered that it had been completely destroyed. Lacking any means to determine the old man's identity, Crosser opted not to speculate on whether he was a Sith, but acknowledged that his words to G'vash suggested a past affiliation with them. Gazing upon the remains of the elder, Crosser confided in G'vash that he had never encountered such profound darkness before and that, had the old man been in his prime, the outcome might have been significantly different. G'vash countered that his master had defeated him, but Crosser dismissed his victory, asserting that time and age had diminished the elder's power, which would not endure indefinitely. G'vash inquired if Crosser was implying that power was meaningless, but Tajin clarified that power could assist those who lacked it, albeit at the cost of impermanence. Crosser added that he too was experiencing a decline in power with age and informed G'vash that he would grow more powerful, but only if he remained true to his training and his compassion. Below in the field, the Habo children looked to Dan, and Crosser instructed him to bid them farewell. As G'vash approached the children, Crosser turned his gaze to the remains of the elder and then looked up at the sky above.

Behind the scenes

The Habo Mission was depicted in the 2021 short film titled The Elder, which served as the seventh installment in the animated anthology TV series, Star Wars: Visions.

