Two crimson-bladed lightsabers, each a single blade, were the signature weapons of The Elder. Sometime between the years of 832 BBY and 32 BBY, The Elder journeyed to Habo utilizing his personal starship. The inhabitants of the planet took notice as he investigated the mountains. Following his arrival, Tajin Crosser and Dan G'vash also made their way to the world—the former having sensed a disturbance in the Force. The Jedi then engaged the dark sider in combat. During this confrontation, The Elder employed both of his lightsabers in a dual wielding style and unleashed Force lightning. Despite his efforts, Crosser, a "powerful" Jedi, ultimately rendered him unconscious. After being defeated, The Elder activated a self-destruct mechanism, resulting in the destruction of his starship. Shortly thereafter, he was transformed into stone, but his lightsabers remained behind.
The Elder, a follower of the dark side of the Force, possessed a pair of single-bladed lightsabers that, when activated, projected a red beam of energy. The hilts of these lightsabers were uniquely wrapped in a skin-like material, pieces of which hung loosely from the base. The crimson blade itself exhibited an unusual, uneven shape at its base.

In the period spanning from 832 BBY to 32 BBY, The Elder journeyed to the planet of Habo, located in the Outer Rim, aboard his The Elder's starship. The planet's inhabitants observed the dark sider as he explored the mountains. This activity surprised them, as they did not anticipate such physical exertion from someone of The Elder's apparent age.
Later, two Jedi, the Jedi Master Tajin Crosser and his Padawan Dan G'vash, arrived on the planet. Informed by the locals about the dark sider's actions and the location of his ship, the pair subsequently engaged The Elder in a lightsaber duel, ultimately subduing him. When Crosser was assisting G'vash, who had been injured by The Elder, one lightsaber has been cut by Crosser as he uses the Force lightning, as he going to strike him with his lightsaber while Crosser holding the Force lightning with his lightsaber but saved by his apprentice as he was distracted and killed by Crosser, the dark sider used the detonator to self-destruct and destroyed his ship, transforming into stone and disappearing.