The endeavor known as the Mission to Qiaxx represents an operation executed in 4 ABY by Mara Jade, formerly an Emperor's Hand. Its purpose was to eliminate both Dequc and the criminal syndicate called the Black Nebula.
In the time leading up to the Battle of Endor, Emperor Palpatine gave Mara Jade, who was then an Emperor's Hand, the order to assassinate Dequc, who was the head of the Black Nebula. She did not succeed in this mission, and the demise of her master prevented her from continuing her pursuit.

Mara Jade fled Coruscant and sought refuge on the planet Phorliss, where she intended to start anew. Under the alias Chiara Lorn, she took a job as a cantina waitress. Her past, however, soon caught up with her. Thugs from the Black Nebula attempted to extort Gorb Drig, the bartender, and ultimately murdered him. Overcome with fury, she activated her lightsaber and killed the thugs. She then used Drig's money to fund her new objective: to avenge Drig's death by eliminating Dequc and dismantling the Black Nebula.

Mara Jade journeyed to the Bubble Cliffs on Qiaxx, where Dequc had relocated his operations. She entered a casino and used the Force to amass a fortune, drawing attention to herself while posing as Baroness Paltonae. She was then brought before Lord Allic, who accused her of cheating. Jade claimed that a device she had invented enabled her to win, and Allic arranged a meeting with Dequc to discuss the purchase of these devices. Following her encounter with Allic, she carefully surveyed the location where she was scheduled to meet Dequc.
The next day, as Mara Jade was being escorted to the meeting, she used the Force to create a diversion, allowing her to conceal her lightsaber on a floating light fixture. She was then recognized by Captain Strok, her former Imperial contact on Svivren, but she quickly incapacitated him and accused him of being an Imperial spy before he could expose her true identity. Mara was then presented to Dequc, to whom she gave a datapad containing false information. She was subsequently given a tour of the Black Nebula facilities, which allowed her to memorize the base's layout. During the tour, she encountered Strok once more and was forced to kill him. Dequc's forces heard the gunshot and pursued her, but she used the Force to retrieve her lightsaber and eliminate the guards.

Mara Jade eventually discovered a bust of Prince Xizor's head and concealed her lightsaber inside. When she was finally apprehended, she pretended to be a thief attempting to steal the bust. Once she was brought before Dequc, she claimed that she was stealing it because it was also Xizor's secret treasure map. When Dequc attempted to examine the bust, she activated the lightsaber, which ignited and impaled him through the head. After killing more guards, Mara discovered Dequc's secret passage and escaped in Dequc's personal yacht.