Moonglow-72, a mining transport vessel owned by Moonglow Polychemical, held the designations Imperial Provisional 72 and Renegade One from the Galactic Empire. The human Kanan Jarrus referred to it as the Expedient. Jarrus utilized it to move baradium bisulfate from Gorse City on the planet Gorse to its moon, Cynda, where he detonated the substance to release significant quantities of thorilide.
Jarrus also employed the transport to dislodge another transport dangling precariously from its docking bay, much to the annoyance of its pilot. Subsequently, following several explosions within the mines of Cynda, Jarrus piloted the transport back to Gorse, with the bombing suspect Skelly secretly aboard. Jarrus secured Skelly to one of the acceleration seats after damaging the belt buckle to render it unusable.
Jarrus relinquished the transport to Gord Grallik for good, presenting the bomber Skelly as a parting gift. The Twi'lek Hera Syndulla then flew it to the Calcoraan system and back to acquire baradium-357 as per Imperial orders. Later, she and Jarrus used it to infiltrate the personal ship of Count Denetrius Vidian, named the Forager.
Ultimately, Skelly caused its destruction by detonating the onboard baradium-357, intending to eliminate Count Vidian. The resulting massive explosion killed both the Count and Skelly, and completely destroyed the Forager.