Moreem Espara

Major Moreem Espara was a Hapan female who served in the Hapan Royal Guard. Queen Mother Tenel Ka dispatched her to the Anakin Solo to act as a command liaison and advisor for Jacen Solo during his mission to apprehend Ducha AlGray. At one point, Jacen used the Force choke technique on her when she challenged the directives he issued, releasing her once he believed his message was clear. Following the defeat of the Hapan Heritage Council, Espara saw to it that Allana was safely returned to Hapes. Subsequent to the brief duel on Hapes between Leia Organa Solo and Tahiri Veila, Espara personally suggested and then oversaw Tahiri's return to her StealthX, ensuring that its cloaking device was disabled to prevent a clandestine return to Hapes under the Queen Mother's instructions.

