Duel in the Royal Hangar

In the Royal Hangar of Hapes, a lightsaber duel unfolded between Jedi Knights Tahiri Veila and Leia Organa Solo. This clash occurred in the year 40 ABY. It was called the Duel in the Royal Hangar.


To convince Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo to cease her backing of the Galactic Alliance, join the Jedi, and turn the fleets under her control against Colonel Jacen Solo who was burning the Wookiee home world of Kashyyyk for sheltering Jedi, Leia and Han, her husband, journeyed to Hapes. Unknown to them, Tahiri Veila, acting as a spy for Jacen within the Jedi Order, trailed them in her StealthX to foil their efforts to sway the Queen Mother.

Upon the Solos' arrival in the hangar, the Hapan Royal Space Marines greeted them and Veila, their "escort", to the planet. Veila then declared her intention to apprehend the Solos, asserting that this action would have been supported by Anakin Solo, her deceased love and Jacen's brother. Overwhelmed by Jacen's recent descent to the Dark Side and the supposed demise of her brother, Luke Skywalker, on Kashyyyk, Leia Solo reacted with fury. She ignited her lightsaber, expressing her outrage at the idea that her dead son would condone torture and coups, and Veila responded in kind.

The Confrontation

The two women began fighting, exchanging both physical blows and lightsaber strikes, ignoring the Marines' demands to drop their weapons. Despite Han's warnings, the marines began firing stun bolts, but the Jedi easily deflected the projectiles. Veila then used the Force to hurl a blaster from one of the (now unconscious) troopers at Leia's back. Leia retaliated with a flip, bringing her lightsaber to bear at Veila's neck.

Realizing his wife's intent for revenge, Han intervened, preventing Leia from killing Veila, sustaining some injuries as Leia defended herself. Despite Han's warnings, Veila continued to advance, arguing that Anakin would never have wanted his mother and lover to fight to the death. At that moment, Djo arrived with her personal guard, forcing Veila to back down, embarrassed. The duel concluded without any fatalities.

Subsequent Events

When Djo learned of Luke's presumed death, she offered her condolences to the Solos. Veila insisted that the Solos be handed over to Alliance custody, citing the existing arrest warrant, but Djo firmly reminded her that the Solos had safe haven within the Hapes Consortium, which she, as Queen Mother, governed—not the Alliance, Jacen Solo, or Veila.

Djo instructed Major Moreem Espara to disarm Veila and provide her with a messenger skiff, to return her to Jacen with the Consortium's apologies for any inconvenience. Veila protested, but her objections were ignored. After the elder Solos confirmed the reports of Jacen's actions on Kashyyyk, Djo recognized that he was no longer the man she once knew and withdrew her support for him and the Alliance. It was later discovered that Luke Skywalker was alive, though seriously injured in a duel with Jacen. While relieved, Leia and her daughter Jaina threatened to inflict similar injuries on Skywalker if he ever feigned his death again.

Jacen Solo would later utilize Veila's StealthX as a means of escape when he captured the Hapan Chume'da, Allana.

