Mount Chaolt

Mount Chaolt was a gigantic volcano located on the planet of Lok. The pirate known as Nym later gave the volcano a new name, Adi's Rest, as a tribute to his comrade Adi Gallia, the Jedi Master who fought alongside him during the Trade Federation invasion of Lok.


Pilots racing near Mount Chaolt during the Lok Marathon.

Within the volcano's core was a cave that served as the dwelling of an eccentric droid engineer throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War. Participants in the Lok Marathon were required to navigate the volcano's towering heights during the race.

Following the Battle of Yavin, Dak Vox, a smuggler, established a base on the volcano to extract rocks rich in raw cationic chemical coagulant deposits. In 1 ABY, an Imperial agent, acting on orders from Colonel Veers, assassinated Raphael Mar-Shayal, a Rebel pilot, on the slopes of Mount Chaolt. Concurrently, a smuggler delivered illicit goods to Edwyn, who was operating on Mount Chaolt.

Behind the scenes

Mount Chaolt appeared as a location in Star Wars Galaxies, a 2003 video game that was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. It was created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. In the game, the volcano was known by both names, Mount Chaolt and Adi's Rest. Mount Chaolt was listed as a point of interests and used during the Lok Marathon, whereas Adi's Rest was exclusively used for the exploration badge given to players who climbed the volcano.

The volcano was mistakenly identified as "Mount Explosallot" in Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed: Prima Official Game Guide and Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience: Prima Official Game Guide. This mistake was rectified in Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Guide: Prima Official Game Guide.

