Dak Vox was a male Kajain'sa'Nikto smuggler operating on Lok during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Dak Vox established his base of operations on the volcano known as Mount Chaolt, situated on the planet Lok. At this location, the smuggler harvested chemicals emanating from the volcano. His goal was to produce a valuable cationic chemical coagulant, which he intended to sell on the black market.
During 1 ABY, a spacer employed by the warlord Nym and his Lok Revenants journeyed from the settlement of Nym's Stronghold to Mount Chaolt. The purpose of this trip was to acquire cationic chemical coagulant from Dak Vox. Phor Cl-lan, a water treatment technician, required these chemicals to repair the city's water treatment facility. Ralia Reeven, Nym's quartermaster, dispatched the spacer to the volcano, being fully aware of Vox's illicit enterprise. The smuggler, obligated to Nym due to a past favor, was unable to refuse the request for chemicals. However, he proposed a trade: the spacer would assist him in gathering raw chemicals in exchange for the refined cationic chemical coagulant. The spacer agreed to this arrangement and proceeded to collect chemicals from the volcano's slopes. Eventually, the spacer returned to Nym's Stronghold bearing the cationic chemical coagulant, which was subsequently utilized to replenish the mixing chamber of the water filtration system.
Dak Vox appeared as a Non-Player Character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Dak Vox was integrated into the game as part of the updated "Nym's Theme Park," which was released with "Game Update 16," on March 23, 2010.