The MPH power droid represented a specific type of droid specialized in power provision.
At Camp Forward during the Mimban Campaign, one such MPH power droid was seen in 10 BBY. In that same year, another MPH power droid known as MPH-11 toiled for the Pyke Syndicate within the spice mines of Kessel. During a revolt spearheaded by L3-37, MPH-11, together with the other enslaved droids in the mines, gained its freedom.
Sometime around 9 ABY, Peli Motto possessed a MPH power droid to aid in the operation of her Hangar 3-5 located in Mos Eisley.
The MPH power droid made its debut in the 2018 movie Solo: A Star Wars Story. The character of MPH-11 was initially identified in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo, however, the model itself was identified in a video on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel in July of 2019. Jimmy Vee performed as MPH-11, while Hassan Taj portrayed another droid found on Mimban.