Mushroom Mesa

Mushroom Mesa was a collection of mesas situated in proximity to Mos Espa, a city on the planet of Tatooine. During the period of the Invasion of Naboo, Mushroom Mesa formed a segment of the Boonta Eve Classic podracing course, which meant racers like Anakin Skywalker had to navigate around its various obstructions. Some years subsequently, [Luke](/article/luke_skywalker], Skywalker's offspring, piloted his T-16 Skyhopper through the area of Mushroom Mesa. It was the opinion of some seasoned racers that the visages visible within the mesa's rock formations possessed the ability to alter their expressions depending on the viewer's perspective.

Some individuals held the belief that the Tusken Raiders possessed knowledge of the Mesa's secret. Regardless of the truth of this claim, they steered clear of the region "as if it carried a curse."

Behind the scenes

Mushroom Mesa made its initial on-screen appearance in the 1999 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

