
Naa'leth was a Dathomirian woman. During the Clone Wars, she served amongst the Nightsisters. Alongside her sister Karis, she assisted Asajj Ventress in an attempt to murder Count Dooku on the planet Serenno; this mission ultimately failed. During the Battle of Dathomir, she met her end.


Naa'leth belonged to Mother Talzin's clan of Nightsisters residing on Dathomir. She and her sister, Karis, were considered to be among the most skilled Hunters, recognized as the clan's premier warriors.

Mission to Serenno

When Asajj Ventress arrived on Dathomir, Naa'leth was part of a group of Nightsisters who initially tried to assault her, unaware of her past connection to them. Upon discovering that Ventress was a sister, Naa'leth and Karis were assigned to accompany her to Serenno with the objective of assassinating Ventress's former master, who was also the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku. The trio made their way to the forest surrounding Castle Serenno, and they infiltrated Dooku's chambers. However, Dooku awoke, leading to a lightsaber duel. Naa'leth brandished a green lightsaber as the three invisible assassins tried to defeat the Sith Lord.

Naa'leth, Asajj, and Karis attack Dooku

Despite Ventress appearing to gain the advantage, Dooku swiftly turned the tide, using his Force lightning to hurl all three Nightsisters out of a window. The trio's mission to Dathomir ended in failure, but Talzin recognized a silver lining, predicting that Dooku would seek a new apprentice to protect him from future assassination attempts.

Delivering Savage Opress

After Talzin reached out to the Count on Serenno, Dooku expressed his willingness to accept a new apprentice from their world. The Nightsisters chose a Nightbrother named Savage Opress, and after enhancing him with Nightsister magic, they presented him to his new master. Naa'leth joined Mother Talzin on the journey to Serenno to deliver Opress to Dooku. Once Dooku had Opress, Naa'leth and her fellow Nightsisters made their way back to Dathomir.

Battle of Dathomir

Determined to eradicate the Nightsisters once and for all, Dooku dispatched General Grievous and the Droid Army to Dathomir to annihilate the clan. Naa'leth participated in the battle, but she was killed, leaving Ventress and Talzin as the sole survivors.

Personality and traits

Naa'leth was a Dathomirian woman belonging to Mother Talzin's Nightsister clan. She stood at a height of 1.85 meters, equivalent to 6 feet and 1 inch. She had silver-blonde [hair](/article/hair], silver eyes, and white skin adorned with gray markings. She was considered one of the most accomplished Hunters within Talzin's warrior clan.

Skills and abilities

Naa'leth possessed proficiency in both armed and unarmed combat, force sensitivity, and infiltration techniques. Furthermore, she was remarkably agile. Her skills proved invaluable during the infiltration of Castle Serenno alongside Ventress and Karis.


Naa'leth demonstrated skill with a Nightsister energy bow and an enchanted Nightsister blade. Her proficiency with a lightsaber was evident during the infiltration of Castle Serenno. She also wore red Nightsister robes.

Behind the scenes

Naa'leth made her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Nightsisters." Cara Pifko provided her voice.

