Nar Kreeta

Nar Kreeta was a colony controlled by the Hutt species, functioning as a significant trade hub. It was situated at the convergence of the trade routes known as the Pabol Kreeta and the Pabol Sleheyron.


The surface of Nar Kreeta was characterized by a mix of jagged mountains, deep canyons, expansive deserts, and vibrant aquamarine oceans.


A rancor poster from the gambling ring

Disciples of Ragnos Crisis

During the Disciples of Ragnos crisis, Nar Kreeta became a point of interest for the New Jedi Order. A mining guild operating on Nar Kreeta contacted the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, reporting the mysterious disappearance of several of the guild's elders. The guild suspected involvement from the Hutts, but the local Hutt crime lord denied any knowledge of a kidnapping.

Jaden Korr, a Jedi, was dispatched to investigate the situation. He infiltrated the Hutt's base secretly and quickly discovered what had happened to the missing elders. Along with other captured humans, the elders were intended to be used as prey in maze-like pit fights against a rancor, which the Hutt sponsored. The purpose of the betting was to gamble on which human would be the last to die. The Jedi realized that the building was, in fact, a Rancor betting parlor.

After battling through the gambling dens and bars, Korr entered the pit. He systematically freed the prisoners from their restraints and guided them through the labyrinth, fending off the approaching rancor. After rescuing all sixteen captives, Jaden and the elders escaped the complex aboard his master's ship.

A valley on Nar Kreeta

Yuuzhan Vong invasion

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Nar Kreeta was conquered by the invaders and underwent extensive Vongforming.

