A political entity within the Galactic Republic, the Naval Subcommittee of the Galactic Senate played a role during the Clone Wars. This conflict, spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, saw the Republic pitted against the Separatist Alliance. Reporting directly to this subcommittee was the Procurement Panel, which had oversight of the Department of Naval Procurement. This department's mission was to acquire starships, provisions, and cutting-edge technology for the Republic Navy. Through the Procurement Panel, the Republic entered into agreements with various manufacturing firms, including Kuat Drive Yards, Corellian Engineering Corporation, and Sienar Fleet Systems. In return for the chance to profit from wartime contracts, these corporations submitted their designs to the Republic.
The Naval Subcommittee made its debut in the new Star Wars canon in Rise of the Separatists. This was a 2019 addition to the Star Wars Roleplaying game series by Fantasy Flight Games. Within the Star Wars Legends timeline, the Naval Subcommittee was first referenced in "Admiral Jerjerrod's Testimony." This short story was written by Greg Gorden and appeared in the Imperial Sourcebook, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games published in 1993.