Ryloth was the planet where Neesha Tor was born. Her mother abandoned her at a young age, forcing her to live as a beggar in the streets. The townspeople all despised her, and frequently insulted her, calling her names like "street trash." One day, she encountered a Twi'lek woman who claimed to live near her grandmother and had witnessed her mother's upbringing. She asserted that Neesha deserved to be abandoned. The Twi'lek forbade her own child from giving Tor any food, deeming it kind but "bad luck."
On one occasion, Tor encountered a tooka. She initially complimented its appearance, calling it cute, but then angrily exclaimed that unlike her, it had done nothing to warrant people's hatred. She attempted to kick it, but missed, causing her to fall off the edge of a waterfall. As she clung to the edge, she resigned herself to her fate, believing she deserved it. However, Jedi Master Mace Windu appeared. When she inquired about his plan to help her up, he admitted he didn't have one, which shocked Tor. He offered to help, but warned that it would be painful, to which she agreed to take the risk.
Windu used the Force to push her upwards. When she questioned why he, a Jedi, would help her, a "worthless beggar," he reassured her that she was not worthless. He emphasized that the opinions of others were irrelevant and told her that she would eventually discover her own worth.
Later in her life, she adopted the tooka as a pet. She also reflected on Windu's words, seeking to understand their meaning, as she had not grasped it at the time of their meeting.
Years after Windu's passing, she shared this story with Emil Graf. Graf was impressed by her experience, but inquired about the meaning of Windu's words. She admitted that she initially didn't know, but believed she had finally understood. As she released the tooka, she affirmed her belief. When Graf pressed for clarification, she explained that she might be wrong, but she interpreted it as meaning that the opinions of others are unimportant. What truly matters are the choices one makes, and the subsequent choices that follow.
Neesha Tor possessed brown eyes and blue skin. During her childhood, she wore tattered clothing and perceived herself as worthless, incomparable to a Jedi Master. However, Mace Windu attempted to instill a sense of self-worth, although she didn't fully comprehend his message until she reached adulthood.