Neimoidian faction

The Neimoidian faction was the faction of the Trade Federation controlled by members of the Neimoidian species, who leveraged control over the entire Federation. As such, it was not the only faction of the Federation controlled by Neimoidians. Through the Trade Federation, the Neimoidians secured a voice for themselves in galactic politics and history.

The Neimoidian faction allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Separatist Crisis, a period of galactic history from 24 BBY to 22 BBY where thousands of star systems left the Galactic Republic for the CIS. Recruited into the Confederacy by Separatist Head of State Count Dooku, Senator Rush Clovis of the InterGalactic Banking Clan particularly focused his work with the Separatists on the Neimoidian faction, although he worked to keep his dealings a secret. Additionally, the Neimoidian faction and Federation as a whole continued to do business with the Republic, claiming to be neutral.

Behind the scenes

The Neimoidian faction was first identified in the eleventh issue of the Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine, which was released in 2016 by De Agostini.

