Nentan, a terrestrial planet, existed within the Nentan system found in the Glythe sector. This world was desolate, its primary attraction being the ancient ruins of a city crafted by an unidentified alien species. During the Galactic Civil War, an Alliance base briefly called Nentan home. However, the facility was evacuated a mere two months after its establishment, following its discovery. The evacuation witnessed Captain Bren Derlin's valor, leading to his advancement to the rank of Major.
Situated in the Glythe sector of the Mid Rim, the planet Nentan resided within the Nentan system. This terrestrial planet was a barren and desolate landscape. Positioned on the Celanon Spur, Nentan served as the terminus for a hyperlane that linked it to Valrar.
An alien species constructed a city on Nentan at some point in its past. By the time the Galactic Civil War erupted, only ancient ruins remained, and the original builders were lost to history. During the Galactic Republic's expansion into the New Territories, Nentan, alongside Cassander and Ketaris, was intended to rival Ord Mantell in trade. These efforts proved unsuccessful, instead bolstering Ord Mantell's prominence.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire actively suppressed Rebel activities on Nentan. Before the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan participated in a mission to provide aid to the planet.
After the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic established a base on Nentan. It became a crucial transit point for civilians being transported to Alliance safe worlds. General Carlist Rieekan was in command of the base, with Captain Bren Derlin serving under his command. Two months after the base was established, Imperial forces discovered it. An evacuation order was issued, but the checkpoint base was filled with civilians. Priority was to be given to the civilians, but there were not enough transports available to move both the civilians and Alliance military personnel.

Faced with the potential abandonment of military personnel on Nentan, Captain Derlin presented General Rieekan with a plan. As the civilians were evacuated, Captain Derlin led a squad of "expendable" personnel into the Nentan wastes, finding refuge among the rocky spires of the ancient ruins.
Imperial forces launched a full-scale assault on the abandoned base, leaving their own transports lightly guarded. Captain Derlin and his men used the natural cover around the landing zone to their advantage and successfully captured an Imperial landing barge. This unexpected maneuver caught the Imperials off guard as the transport departed Nentan. Even the commanding officer of the orbiting Star Destroyer believed the transport was still under their control, transporting either prisoners or captured equipment. The transport jumped to hyperspace before a code clearance could be requested. Captain Derlin's actions earned him a promotion to the rank of Major.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy, Nentan was seized and occupied by the extragalactic invaders.