The Glythe sector represented a specific sector of space. This region was found in the Mid Rim of the galaxy, specifically in proximity to the Ojoster sector and nestled between both the Droma sector and the Haldeen sector. Glythe was once a component of the Galactic Republic and later, following the ascent of the New Order, it fell under the control of the Galactic Empire. Some of the Planets located within this sector included Altarrn, Fef, Fornax, Nentan, Vortex, and also Valrar.
Sheedup, a field agent working for the Imperial Security Bureau, carried out operations within the Glythe sector for a prolonged period spanning several decades.
The video game Star Wars: Rebellion erroneously locates the planets Elrood, Arkania, Yag'Dhul, and Sedri within the Glythe sector. To clarify, Elrood is actually situated within the Elrood sector, Arkania is located in the Colonies, Yag'Dhul is found in the Inner Rim, and Sedri is positioned in the Periphery.