Nera Kase was a female being who held the position of chief overseeing the maintenance of starfighters at the Great Temple located on Yavin 4 around the time of 0 BBY.
Nera Kase, a female, was born to Phirmist spacers aboard their vessel in 27 BBY. During her childhood, in the early years of the Galactic Empire, her parents' ship was seized, and they were killed, which instilled in her a deep-seated hatred for the Empire that would last her entire life. An incident at the age of seven, where her hair became entangled while she was exploring the inner workings of her parents' ship, led her to shave her head.
Driven by her animosity towards the Empire, Kase became a member of the Rebel Alliance. By the time 0 BBY arrived, she had risen to the rank of chief responsible for starfighter maintenance at the Great Temple on Yavin 4. Her duties involved managing the flight crews, a team of sixty-seven individuals who were responsible for thirty starships, as well as droids. Besides coordinating the flight crews, she also managed manifests, storing them on a datapad. These included everything from equipment inventories and munitions to spare parts and a duty roster for each pilot, complete with their specializations, strengths, and weaknesses.
During the week that encompassed the Battle of Scarif, Kase worked tirelessly, barely finding time for sleep or meals. In that period, she had lost nineteen pilots and crew members, along with fifteen ships, as a result of the events at Scarif and a mission to Eadu.
As the Battle of Yavin unfolded, Kase found herself sitting on an empty proton torpedo container in the main [hangar](/article/hangar], surrounded by the five X-wings, two Y-wings, and one U-wing that were not part of the attack run. When the attack runs commenced, Kase quietly made her way into the command center, listening to the pilots communicate via comms. She focused on marking each pilot as killed, noting the cause, whether it was flak, an enemy fighter, or something else. When Red Five, also known as Luke Skywalker, launched his proton torpedoes and destroyed the battle station, Kase was overcome with grief and collapsed, unable to join in the celebrations due to the heavy loss of life.
Nera Kase was a woman of small stature with a seemingly young face. Her features and size often led people to believe she was younger than her actual age. She was known for consistently wearing a stained mechanic's jumpsuit. The constant loss of pilots in combat weighed heavily on her, as she knew each of them personally. She harbored an unreciprocated affection for the Rebel starfighter pilot Garven Dreis, drawn to his personality and professionalism.