The year 27 BBY, which corresponds to 3250 LY using the Lothal Calendar and 7950 based on the C.R.C. calendar, witnessed the following occurrences.
- The reproduction period for the Vendaxan land squid takes place. [6]
- Canonhaus is appointed as a midshipman within the Galactic Republic. [7]
- Around this time, the Chiss were victorious against the Vagaari pirates, seizing a gravity-well projector. [1] Around this time, Thrawn receives a reprimand for initiating a preemptive attack and not recovering technology from Lesser Space. [1]
- Enric Pryde was born on Alsakan. [8]
- Gideon Hask was born. [9]
- Milo Graf was born. [10]
- Nera Kase was born. [11]
- Enfys Nest was born. [12]