The New Republic Presidential election of 23 ABY resulted in Borsk Fey'lya taking over as Chief of State of the New Republic from Leia Organa Solo, who had stepped down from the position. Despite the New Republic Senate being significantly fractured, Fey'lya (a senator often seen as divisive) managed to secure a supermajority of three-fifths in the initial voting round, which was quite rare.
This election marked a significant shift in the political landscape of the New Republic, with widespread ramifications for the galaxy. Fey'lya's ambitions to consolidate power dated back to his time with the New Republic Provisional Council, during which he gained both allies and adversaries. Among his adversaries was Admiral Ackbar, the Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force. Shortly after Fey'lya's victory, Ackbar retired, and one of Fey'lya's initial actions as Chief of State was to replace him with Sien Sovv. The departures of Ackbar and Organa Solo, combined with the death of Mon Mothma the following year, effectively removed the leadership triumvirate that had guided the New Republic and Rebel Alliance for approximately two and a half decades.
The election also prompted the resignation of Hiram Drayson and nearly led Organa Solo to return to politics, a decision she ultimately reconsidered after being advised against it by her brother, Luke Skywalker.
Furthermore, soon after assuming office, Fey'lya apparently abolished the role of Minister of State and established the New Republic Advisory Council, populating it with senators, many of whom were suspected of holding questionable beliefs or engaging in dubious business practices, and holding anti-Jedi sentiments.
The ineffectiveness of the Fey'lya administration, which was put in place due to the results of this election, played a major role in the extensive devastation suffered by the galaxy during the Yuuzhan Vong War.