The Nighthawks represented a troopers squad specialized in boarding operations. Lieutenant Paling commanded this subdivision of the Alliance Fleet known as "Storm Unit." The Nighthawks participated in Rebel attacks, notably at the Imperial Bretie Facility located on Nomlis III.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Nighthawks, a boarding troopers squad belonging to the Alliance Alliance Fleet "Storm Unit," were led by Lieutenant Paling. As a "Storm Unit" squad, they were deployed throughout the war against the Galactic Empire to board enemy vessels and installations.
Their operational history included:
- The recovery of crucial information from the Imperial CR90 corvette named Talon,
- The rescue of war prisoners from the Imperial Dreadnaught VTR-LX,
- The stealing data from the Imperial Bretie Facility on Nomlis III, a factory that was producing prototype TIE starfighters for the TIE Experimental Project, followed by the placement of explosives to destroy the facility,
- The defusal of a bomb that had been planted on Azzameen Station.
Following the successful mission during the Nomlis III assault, Lieutenant Paling sent an e-mail to Ace Azzameen to express the Nighthawks' gratitude.