The nightspider was a large, predatory spider species that inhabited Naboo.
These large arachnids, nightspiders, were indigenous to the planet Naboo and its moon, Rori. They were known for employing a lethal venom to dispatch prey or as a defense mechanism. One variant, known as the Poison Spitter, had the ability to project its venom at a target. The most dangerous and aggressive of all the subspecies was the King Venom Nightspider.
It is believed that nightspiders are related to hermit spiders, which are another arachnid species found on Naboo.
Back in 1 ABY, a hunter working for Sloan Rusper came across a nightspider nest while he was investigating an abandoned tusk cat den close to Restuss. Subsequently, a spacer came to the hunter's rescue, eliminating two aggressive nightspiders.
During his service with the Royal Naboo Security Forces, Jonthol Mazoon received orders to decrease the nightspider population in the area surrounding Kaadara and to eliminate the giant nightspider named Noctur'lan. Also in 1 ABY, a spacer was directed by RSF Lieutenant Dunnels to kill nightspiders and then gather their venom sacs for the purpose of producing a batch of neural boosters.

Nightspiders made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was active before its closure on December 15, 2011. In the game, nightspiders looked very similar to hermit spiders, but no explicit connection between the two was ever established.